“La Diablada de Pillaro” is part of the Cultural identity of Tungurahua
It’s performed every year from 1 to January 6.
The troupes representing the devil, who as the story goes, came to America with Christianity, as part of the imaginary.
The people is happy dancing, jumping dressed as devils.
The dance represents the battle between the forces of good and evil.
North: “Canton Salcedo ”by the Cotopaxi province
East: The Napo province
South: With the Canton Pelileo and Canton Patate
West: The Canton Ambato
The climate is diverse modified by altitude.
Rains frequently, the colds intense.
Located on the Equatorial mesothermal climate region
The average is 10° C to 14° C.
The “Diablada Pillareña”: 1 to 6 January
The Feast of the “Diablada Pillareña” is presented annually in the matrix of the canton Píllaro.
from 12h00 to 18h00 during the week, find Devil, social cultural activities, dances, fireworks and folk dancing, parades to march through the city streets dressed as devils and carry in their heads spectacular masks.
The PARTICIPATING GROUPS of "San Andrés", "San Miguelito", "Marcos Espinel", Presidente Urbina, "Tunguipamba", "Cochaló", "RobalinoPamba", "Santa Rosa", "Nuevo Rumihuaico", The Matrix " Dance School", participate separately in the so-called "Game" every game is composed of a number ranging from 50 to 300 people, then join all the items given A total of 1,500 participants hell.
The PARTICIPATING GROUPS of "San Andrés", "San Miguelito", "Marcos Espinel", Presidente Urbina, "Tunguipamba", "Cochaló", "RobalinoPamba", "Santa Rosa", "Nuevo Rumihuaico", The Matrix " Dance School", participate separately in the so-called "Game" every game is composed of a number ranging from 50 to 300 people, then join all the items given A total of 1,500 participants hell.
this type of devil is in the form of a snake to women to show good or evil.
“El macho cabrio”
this type of devil is the king of the goats this devil is tempted to infidelity.
The bull
El Toro
is type of devil is considerate of the people pillareño as an icon of strength and virility.
Dragons and lizards
Dragones y Lagartijas
this kind of hell are characterize man attract the mischief they have the time to see a beautiful woman.
The pig
La marranada
this kind of hell refer abortions that have happened in this town.
Autochthonous Devils
Los diablos auotoctonos
these devils are for the nudity or semi-nudity of the indigenous people who show their body naturally and morbidity as in men and indigenous women.
“Supay y Millay”
these devils are for the evil of the people.
African devil
El diablo africano
this devil refers to the main devil will not be punished because for the devil has to offer rituals that soothe her spirit.
Dancing devils
Los diablos danzantes
these types of devils dance to thank for a miracle of holiness received
“THE CABECILLA”: The leader is the person in charge of organizing in their community to the participants, with time of anticipation.
“ THE CAPARICHE”: It´s a diguised that goes before the procession, with a broom, sweeping the streets and the feed of people that are looking.
COUPLES OF LINES :They are men and women that use formal suits, representing to the high class of that time.
“THE GUARICHA” :attract to the public. With a disguise a woman, and they take a dolls between their hands.
THE TOWN BAND: It´s the one in charge of putting the rhythm of the dance, each procession goes with its band.
THE DEVILS: with four faces, the devil with a eye in the forehead and many but. They dance to the sides of the groups.
THE CRAZY WIDOW: She wear a long shirt, she haves the hair disorderly.